

Defeating the Menace: Dark Knuckles and How YOU Can Do It!

Woman with dark knuckles
 Dark knuckles are a common thing in our society today and is even more evident in people of color. These are the sinister patches on a person's knuckles that makes it look...unpresentable. Dark knuckles have made people lose their confidence but do not fear for info on defeating this enemy is here!
 Some people think that dark knuckles are a sign of a sickness but this is not so. These dark patches can be as a result of skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis. Also, dark knuckles can be enhanced by excessive washing and exposure to harsh chemicals.
 But here are some household ingredients you can use to bid those 'bad boys' goodbye.
Baking soda
Almond oil

1) Lemon:
  These fruits contain citric acid and are natural bleaching agents. They are famous for their skin lightening abilities.
 To use lemons, cut a lemon in half and squeeze out the juice into a bowl and add little water to dilute the mixture because lemons are very acidic. Then use a Q-tip to gently dab the juice on your knuckles or alternatively use the lemon peel to scrub your knuckles.
 After applying it,you should wait for some minutes before rinsing out with warm water( if you feel your skin reacting such as redness, stinging or burning, please rinse off immediately and do not apply again as you might be allergic. Afterwards, apply your favorite moisturizer.
TIP: DO NOT go into the sun while you have applied lemon juice on your skin as this could result in bad burns.

2) Baking soda:
 This is regarded as a solution to many things but today we will focus on this ingredient and it's contribution to a good skincare regimen.  Baking soda is an amazing skin exfoliant which removes dead skin cells to reveal glowing skin.
 To use this, put some teaspoons of baking soda in a bowl (3-5 or more depending on your need) and mix with little water to make a paste (not so much that would be watery and not too small that the paste as hard as a stone).
 Then scrub your knuckles very gently in circular motions for 5- 10 minutes.  You do not want to get bruises the ways I did because I scrubbed too hard. Please apply gently and rinse off. Then apply your favorite moisturizer. Repeat 2-3 times in a week and see significant changes!

                                                      (TO BE CONTINUED)

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