Moving to a city is a major milestone in a person's life. This could be said because it is assumed that if a person moves to the city, his/her status either financially or socially will be improved. But to make this dream a reality, you need to consider the following steps:
Have a house to stay in. Whether you already have a house or you staying with family and friends, it is good to plan where you would live in. When choosing where to stay in, you could consider the following:
Availability of services like transportation, hospitals: Make sure the city you intend on moving to has basic amenities and that such things as electricity, gas and heating(during winter) are stable and easy to get.
Nearness to your work. You do not want to spend more savings than you budgeted. So choose a location that would be closer to your workplace. But if this is not possible, choose a moderate yet efficient means of transportation to save you some cash.
Associating with people who know the city and could show and teach you the lengths and breadths of the city. When you have companions to show you the lay of the land, you will be familiarizing yourself with the environment and also make friends who could help you in a rainy day.
Price of the house: You do not want to spend your entire savings on the house you are staying in as this would be considered unwise. While it is necessary to choose a comfortable home, it is also important to spend carefully as reckless spending could lead to debt. I am sure no one wants to start acquiring debt as a welcome package.
Save enough before venturing out of your hometown in search of leisure or greener pastures.This is very important as you do not want to be stranded in your new city. This might just make you go back to your home town and could lead to embarrassments and criticisms. If you do not have a job, experts suggest you have at least 3 months worth of say instead with you.
Have a realible navigational system.Going around a city could be at times scary. But having a realible map could save you some stress as you find your way around the city. It is easier now that we have smartphones where we could download maps and utilise GPS to track our location.
Prepare for the weather. Weather isn't always the same. Even the weather you have come to understand since childhood could change in an instant. So it is advisable to do research on the weather conditions of the place you intend to visit and how to prepare best for it.
Learn the best means of transportation used in the city and study the movements of the people. Also, note when rush hour is hectic to know how to get to work or your home on time. Find out which means of transportation is more economical yet moderate as this could save you some extra change to use later.
Count the costs. When moving to a new environment, we humans feel excited and may seem to forget some important details.
Count the costs carefully. Do you have enough to sustain yourself
without seeking help back home? Do you have the skills necessary to survive in such an environment? Will moving to this new environment help you to be a better person or become even worse than you were before? If your answers to these questions are NO, then
seriously consider what is wrong and how to fix it.
Living in a city could be fun when planned well. You could be exposed to good things you never knew about. The key is to
PLAN WELL! When you do so, there wouldn't really be any regrets. Please leave your comments and if you have any stories to tell concerning this, feel free to let us know in the comments below.
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