Waste. When you hear that word, what do you think about?
Well, some may picture the piles of waste bags in a dumpster. Others might picture the waste in the bin waiting to be emptied. Without emptying our waste , we would not live comfortably.
But this same waste damages our home the Earth.
When we throw out our waste, do we take the time to think about what happens to it after leaving our homes?
This is very important because we want to be sure that our waste is properly disposed off leaving no threats to our homes and environments.
So, the question is' what really happens to the waste we dispose? Are all of them disposed according to the rules, thus, not endangering anyone's life?'
These are important questions because the waste we dump can travel very far from where we intended it to be.
For example, if on a windy day I decided to eat something after throw the wrap of what I ate to the wind, do you think that wrap might not travel very far and off-course from the nearest dumpster?
When we throw waste, some of these can be hazardous to some life forms whether on water or land. Burning of plastic could emit fumes not suitable for plants and animals.
It could also make the atmosphere dense and choked up, leaving us with contaminated air to breath.
Let us also look at another kind of life form: aquatic animals. I am sure we love dolphins and turtles and colorful fishes right?
But do we know we could endanger the lives of these sea creatures by improper dumping of waste?
Whales have been discovered to injest very tiny amount of plastic from factories.small pellets which can easily be injested by these creatures.
Do we want to harm these animals who have no share in our waste dumping proceedings?
I personally would say no.
Since we do not want these things mentioned earlier to happen, we have to take measures.
These are:
1)Never throw trash around without a bin in sight. If there is no bin, please put it in your bag and wait till you get home or to a place that has a bin before trashing it.
2) Use organic products: When we use organic products, these will disintegrate and will not cause harm because they are natural products.
3) Recycle regularly: When we recycle materials, we save the atmosphere and the companies producing these things.
When we work together to create a clean environment for we humans and animals, we will be healthier and might just extend our lifespan.