

Rural Life VS Urban Life: The Choice You Have To Make

Hello Readers,
 Today, I am talking about a topic that has been interesting me for many years and I would love to hear your opinions on it. The topic is about rural and urban living.
 Survival is part of the human nature. Hence, people have sought many solutions to improve their standard of living. But human opinions and ideas differ. People now live in two types of settlements: rural or urban.

               THE QUESTION TO ASK

 When I asked people I met what they preferred, I was puzzled to know that while some wanted to continue living in urban settlements, others wanted to live in rural settlements.
 Here comes the question: Which is better for you as a person: urban or rural life?
 I personally cannot really make a choice because as I write this post, I am visiting a rural environment; a village and I like the ambience and serenity of the environment. But I also prefer the urban life because I was born in one and I have come to love the feeling of industriousness and city-life experience.
 Though I am not advocating one over the other, I feel the urban setting gives you the boost you need to get-up-and-go, to face life head on. A person is also exposed to many things like pursuing careers, having white collar jobs and the use of the internet in most places. You also get nice, comfortable means of transportation to get you to your activities.
 Rural life on the other hand is calm and has a low crime rate. It also allows for agriculture and animal husbandry, something that makes the environment 'green' and less polluted compared to the city.  Rural settings could also help improve your health. There is also this close knitted bond people in rural environments have and this helps to build a friendly community contrary to city life where it's a man-for-himself world.
 I hope you liked this article. Read how to take preparations if going to the rural or urban environmentura. Please do not forget to leave your opinions in the comments section and continue checking the site to find more interesting articles and be on the Golden Side!

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